Tuesday, September 10Every Day Is A Great Day For Hockey

Ice Hockey

Russian Hockey Poetry

Russian Hockey Poetry

Ice Hockey
When you think of hockey, how often do you think of modern poetry? This fan wrote a heartbreaking poem about the current state of the Russian national team, lamenting both the good old times when the Soviet Red Machine dominated the field and targeting with sardonic criticism the players and the coaches alike. The work is so touching we translated it to go over the main points here as a reminder that true fandom can extend into every part of our lives. Russian Hockey Poetry We were once the most beautiful of all, But now we consistently lie in the muck. Rotenbergs have made us a laughingstock, Imprisoning the glory of past years. But hustlers, well, what do you expect? Born as pygmies, and they'll die the same. But you, comrade, great Russian, Why aren't you cool like Kharlamov hi...
Top 5 Health Benefits of  Hockey

Top 5 Health Benefits of Hockey

Ice Hockey
Grabbing the stick and heading to the rink with a brimming rush of adrenaline for a game of hockey is a feeling not many may have experienced. The duration of a daunting hockey game is made to be laced with dread because of fistfights, body checks, and missing teeth. Who would want to sign up for a game that causes such damage? Although hockey could end you in trouble with some sudden harmful health impacts, you will gain more than you could lose. It is only occasionally or very rarely that games turn out to be battlefields or an accident spot. You need to look beyond these aspects of playing hockey to reap the benefits of the sport. If you have been a fan of the games and tournaments and want to try the sport out on the massive rinks, buy a stick, a puck, and safety gear before you get...